Debarshi Chakraborty
Hello, welcome to my homepage. Thank you for visiting this. First of all, this page is not always maintained time to time so there may be a lot of backdated information which are not updated. Now something about me. I am currently doing a PhD in Statistics at Iowa State University. Previously I received my M.Stat degree from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Statistics from St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata. I want to pursue an academic career in future, as of now that's the plan. I currently work on a research project under Dr. Vivek Roy and Dr. Somak Dutta. Apart from studies, I played multiple sports like table tennis, cricket, swimming, etc at different levels. Also, I was an artist. That was everything back in India. Now in the US, I play table tennis at competitive level (do visit my USATT profile) and also represent Iowa State University in NCTTA tournaments. I like cooking, travelling and photography.