Some of the courses I have taught undegraduate Statistics and Mathematics students
STAT 341
@ Iowa State University
Lab Instructor and Grader
Fall 2023
Topics to be covered
- Basic use of R and RStudio, maybe Posit Cloud
- Simulating coins and dice
- Simulating random variables
- Understand and interpret theoritical results empirically
Sample Survey for ISI M.Stat Entrance
@ Cheenta School of Statistics and Data Science
Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024
Topics to be covered:
- Simple Random Sampling
- Stratified Random Sampling
- Cluster and Two Stage Sampling
- Sample Survey from a Probabilistic Viewpoint
- Problem Solving
Linear Models for ISI M.Stat Entrance
@ Cheenta School of Statistics and Data Science
Spring 2023
Topics to be covered:
- Theory of Linear Models
- One way and two way ANOVA
- Fixed effexts and random effects models
- A glimpse into Design of Experiments : CRD and RBD
- Problem Solving
Introduction to Probability Theory
@ Cheenta School of Statistics and Data Science
Fall 2022
Topics to be covered:
- Classical Definition of Probability, Algebra of Events
- Axiomatic Definition of Probability, Glimpse of Measure theory
- Conditional Probability and Independence
- Random Variables and Probability Distributions
- Probabilistic Inequalities
- Generating Functions
- Bivariate and Multivariate Distributions
- Standard Discrete, Standard Continuous Distributions
- Multivariate Normal and Multinomial Distribution
- Sampling Distributions
- Convergence Methods in Probability, Law of Large Numbers, Central Limit Theorem
- Problem Solving
Statistical Inference
@ Cheenta School of Statistics and Data Science
Fall 2021
Topics to be covered:
- Idea of Point Estimation
- Unbiasedness and Minimum Variance
- Sufficiency and Completeness
- Neyman Fisher, Rao Blackwell and Lehmann Scheffe Theorem
- Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Idea of Testing of Hypothesis, Null and Alternate Hypotheses
- Size, level, Power, Errors in testing, Simple and Composite Hypotheses
- Neyman Pearson Lemma, MP and UMP tests
- Likelihood Ratio Test
- Problem Solving